This is it. The Bush administration is poised to issue a last-minute regulation that will impose harsh new restrictions on women’s access to reproductive health care any moment now.
Will you help stop them?
The new rule is Bush’s parting gift to the anti-choice extremists who have supported him for the last eight years. The rule could allow health care organizations that receive f ederal funding to redefine abortion to include the most common forms of birth control — and then refuse to provide these basic services. For any health care provider to intentionally withhold information about widely embraced health care options from a patient is absolutely unconscionable under any circumstances. The federal government has no business funding providers who do not abide by this most fundamental standard of care.
But that’s exactly what the Bush administration is proposing. More than 35,000 Planned Parenthood supporters have already signed our petition demanding that the Bush administration withdraw the proposed regulation. And just moments ago, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Patty Murray joined the uproar over the proposed rule. Sen. Clinton said, “In the final days of his administration, the president is again putting ideology first and attempting to roll back health care protections for women and families. This HHS rule will threaten patients’ rights, stand in the way of health care professionals, and restrict access to critical health care services for those who need them most. Senator Murray and I are standing up once again to the administration against this rule and will continue to fight for women’s reproductive rights.”
It’s so important to have prominent allies like Sen. Clinton and Sen. Murray speaking out, but we also need to continue to raise the voices of citizens everywhere. Join them in speaking out now.
The Bush administration promised not to release any new regulations after November 1. Sneaking this regulation through at the last minute could have a devastating effect on countless individuals who rely on their health care providers to provide complete and accurate reproductive health information. Tell the Bush administration: Keep your word. Stop the attack on women’s health.
With the economy in such bad shape, more and more people are being locked out from receiving complete medical care. This is the worst possible time to undermine patients’ ability to access the comprehensive health care they so desperately need. This proposed rule would force women and families who already have limited health care access to pay a dreadful price for the administration’s anti-choice ideology. Please, tell President Bush: Keep your word. Stop the attack on women’s health.
Thank you so much for your help today on behalf of the millions of women, men, and teens served by more than 880 Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers all across the country.
Cecile Richards, President
Planned Parenthood Action Fund